Horizontal And Vertical Learning

The two concepts of Horizontal and Vertical learning have become broadly known. Look them up and you’ll find dozens of variations.

Horizontal is the accumulation of “declarative” knowledge, facts, concepts, capabilities etc. – all the things we can sort of ‘label’ and ‘picture’ in memory.

Vertical learning is systems based about what causes what, what follows what, and we want to know this so we can make something cause something or avoid something to flourish and survive. Humans are uniquely conscious of causality but we can’t label it we actually feel it. Hybrid workplaces significantly reduce Vertical learning.

If neuroscience has discovered how the brain codes both types of learning, can we use Horizontal tools to make up for the Vertical loss? This is the pilot. This cute clip says it all. 😊

Even Daniel Kahneman says Slow Thinking is "effortful".


"How We Interpret Our Feelings Depends On Where And How We’re Brought Up"


Accelerating Vertical Learning In The Hybrid Workplaces